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Prophetic Alignment for 2021

The lord gave me a Word for 2021 that will help you set your sail. Once you receive this word into your spirit you will set your sail and will be prophetically guided to experience all that God has in store for you in 2021. You are about to be released into your future like never before.
“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,” Let Israel now say— “If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, When men rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us alive, When their wrath was kindled against us; Then the waters would have overwhelmed us, The stream would have gone over our soul; Then the swollen waters Would have gone over our soul.” Blessed be the LORD, Who has not given us as prey to their teeth”(Psalms 124:1–6 NKJV)
In 2020 God Blessed us Tremendously
  • Our ministry exploded in a manner that was beyond our imagination. We experienced tremendous growth in the midst of the pandemic.
  • We kept our doors open and came to church every day during the shutdown in the midst of the pandemic
  • We opened an STBC branch in Kampala Uganda.
  • We started the food pantry and fed multitudes of people in communities.
  • We held Easton Days of Healing in which we gave out Chromebooks to students in the community.
  • We went to Abuja Nigeria in a pandemic and secured a new location.
  • We had the largest baby dedication in the history of our ministry thus far.
  • Our Facebook viewing increased. Tremendously globally.
  • The man of God planted $100 seed in the lives of each of the hundreds of congregants that attended service in one particular Sunday.
2020 was an amazing year for the Ese Duke Ministry. Even though darkness covered the earth, we God’s people were living in Goshen. When others were saying there was a casting down, we were declaring there is a lifting up. When they were saying everything was difficult, we kept on increasing.

We have crossed over into 2021. Whatever you were carrying that was not of God remained in 2020. No carry overs!

Something different will be happening to you in this decade.


Apostle Ese Duke

  • In the mind of God, 2021 is much different that you cannot explain!
  • There will be unusual happenings in 2021!
  • God will make Himself strong to you in 2021!
  • He will make Himself known that He is still God even in the time of adversity!
“And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.” (1 Samuel 30:8 KJV)

Whatever you have lost in the course of 2020 you will pursue overtake and without fail recover all in 2021.

Recovery is hanging waiting for you.


Apostle Ese Duke

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” (Joel 2:25 KJV)
  • God said you will recover years!
  • Every year you lost in the last decade, God will restore to you!
  • Every time you lost in prison, God said you will recover it all!
  • Everything you lost trying to build a business, you will recover all!
  • God will catapult you to the next level above and beyond what you thought you had lost!
  • God will restore to you every year the locusts have eaten
Five Fold Recovery for 2021
  • You will recover your relationships that you tried to reach out to and did not listen.
  • You will recover your health
  • You will recover your inheritance. Everything anyone stole from you, you will recover all.
  • You will recover your anointing.
  • Your will recover your spiritual sensitivity.
Whatever you have lost in the last decade you will recover in the beginning of this decade.

This word went forth before 2021 begun. Believe the word and you will recover all.

Every closed door will open for you.

You will receive supernatural advancement and acceleration.

1 Samuel 30:8 tell us, to pursue for surely we will overtake, advance and take over.

Receive this word and believe by faith.

You might be wondering, how is this possible?

Remember Ahab and Elijah?

You may look like you are trying to catch up, but the Lord says, you will recover and overtake.
“And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.” (1 Kings 18:46 KJV)
The hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he overtook Ahab who was in a chariot

In 2021 the hand of the Lord will come upon you and you will advance at the speed of the Holy Ghost.

When the anointing of the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you don’t run the way men ran. The things that happen to you are not humanly possible.

When the hand of the Lord comes upon you, you will overtake every overtaker that has overtaken you in 2020.

Seven Areas God Wants to Advance You in 2021:
  • In your career
  • Your Business
  • Your Ministry
  • His word
  • The Anointing and power of the Holy Ghost
  • The Things of the Spirit
  • Your foresight and in Wisdom
Why would He do these things?

So that you can advance His Kingdom;

In 2021 you will advance God’s Kingdom beyond your wildest imagination
“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

(Habakkuk 2:14 KJV)
You are part of this mandate
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

(Matthew 24: 14 KJV)
“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

(2 Peter 3:9 KJV)
The Lord is not slack in His Promise.

Gods purpose and agenda is that His kingdom will spread all over. You not rest until you are part of it.

The main purpose of the advancement that you will see in your life is to advance Gods kingdom.
“Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.”

(Zechariah 1:17)
Through prosperity shall the kingdom spread, not through poverty. That is why God wants to prosper you. God Prospers His children for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
“You crown the year with Your bounty and goodness, and the tracks of Your [chariot wheels] drip with fatness.”

(Psalm 65:11) AMPC

2021 will be crowned with God’s bounty and His goodness.

As you move, you will be dripping blessings. Everywhere, every step you take will be dripping with oil which represents anointing.


Apostle Ese Duke

Keys to Make this Happen:
Believe, Receive and Follow the prophetic word of the man of God.
There is a man assigned to you that speaks blessing into your life.
When he speaks it resonates into you spirit. That is your man of God.

When the word is released it is like something just happened to you. That man talks to your spirit, you. Your real self is your spirit.

Think about Apostle Paul. He was blinded and Jesus said go and see a man.

There is something you need in life that a man already has.

There is a grace you need in your life today that is already on another man.
“And they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper.”

(2 Chronicles 20:20 AMPC)
Believe the Lord your God and ye shall be established;
Believe His prophets and ye shall prosper.
“And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.”

(Hebrews 7:7 KJV)
The less doesn’t mean the one that is broke. The less is the one that receives the blessing.

Someone has to release the blessing without any contradiction.

Moses laid hands on Joshua.
“And Joshua son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him; so the Israelites listened to him and did as the Lord commanded Moses.”

(Deuteronomy 34:9 AMPC)
Joshua the son of Nun was full of wisdom because Moses laid his hands on Him.

The Israelites respected Joshua in the same way they respected Moses because what was on Moses came upon and rested upon Joshua.

When you believe a man of God you move to another level.

2. Make kingdom agenda your priority.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

(Matthew 6:33 KJV)
Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things others are desiring to get shall chase you down. If youi seek God first you will recover all.

3. Dwell in the secret place of the almighty

For you to recover all, you have to dwell in the secret place and be conscious of your divinity in your humanity

You have to be conscious of the presence of God
Increase your prayer life.
Increase church attendance
Increase time spent in your habitation.
Just as the habitation for fish is water, the habitation of a child of God is in the spirit.

Christian life is complex. Some people don’t understand how it works and begin to reside in the wrong habitation

You can live your life in the flesh or by the spirit. Some people spend time trying to get physical things e.g. cars instead of spending time in the spirit

Some people live by what their mind dictates to them. You have to live life in the realm of the spirit. Everything you see around you was birthed in the realm of the spirit. When you live your life in the spirit realm things can begin to happen to you supernaturally and you will recover all that the enemy has stolen from you.
“HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].”

(Psalm 91:1 AMPC)

The scripture says He that “dwell”, not visits. Your mind
has to be surrounded by the things of God.

Live a life of prayer and fasting.


Apostle Ese Duke

“Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the [Holy] Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the whole region round about.”

(Luke 4:14 AMPC)
Jesus fasted and prayed so he can stay in the secret place of the most high God.

God wants to do amazing things in your life in 2021 but you have to cooperate with Him.

In 2021 you will be happy you are living

Whatever was difficult in 2020 you will recover all

In 2021, you will see things transform drastically in your life in Jesus name

There is no government in existence that has the ability to shut down the church of God.

The same God that upheld Shadrach Meshach and Abednego will uphold His church.

2021 is your year of Recovery and Advancement. You will recover all. It is not by might nor by power but by the spirit of God.

In 2021, you will recover all that you have lost in the last decade without fail.