Welcome to the month of June!
The month of June is loaded.
Every year, every month, every week, every day is impregnated with good and evil. We are about to shut the evil out. Whoever controls the gate controls what happens in the year, in the month, in the week, and also in the day. I don’t care what evil happens around you, yours shall be good only.
People often say, “Happy new year, or happy new month,” but every month can be evil or good. It all depends on the release of a prophetic word that keeps you in the sail of what has been spoken. That is why you must be very careful to catch every prophetic word that is released to set your sail for the rest of the month and the year.
If you look at last month, people complained about problems, but yours was different. Last month people said they had nothing but you had overflow. Your case was different because what the Lord said had already been prophetically declared that the month of May was our month of the overflow.
Don’t allow the climate of the season to make you think you are part of it because you can be in the land of Egypt and be in Goshen. Things can be going wrong all around you but you can experience prosperity and blessing.

Apostle Ese Duke
Every month is impregnated and only the good shall give birth for you.
Every month is a city. In every city there can be good and evil, but you can rearrange things in the spirit realm so that only good things happen to you. Do you believe that?
He who possesses the gate possesses the month. You shall possess the gate of the month of June!

Apostle Ese Duke
Whatever weapon that is formed against you will not prosper.
I decree this month you will experience God’s best for your life.
I am just a messenger of God. I am a delivery boy. Whatever I deliver is what I receive from Him. As the angel of this house, I bring you the news of what God told me and if you dare believe what I say that God told me, your life cannot go any direction other than what the angel said.
Whatever principalities and powers that were ranged against you were disarmed by Jesus. That means they have no power over you. He made a public show of them. This is a bold statement, that the enemy has been disarmed as far as your life is concerned.

Apostle Ese Duke
Jesus has triumphed over the enemy. He has overcome and so we have victory over the forces of darkness. The forces of darkness have no say as far as your life is concerned.
As you read this blog, I am speaking words into your life that will propel you to your place of destiny.
I decree the devil can no longer stop you.
If you know you cannot fail, whatever thing you dream will come to pass in your life.

Apostle Ese Duke
This month’s theme scripture is 2 Corinthians 2:14:
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (NKJV).
God always, (not sometimes) leads us to triumph and through us He releases the perfume of His knowledge all over the world.
Say, “I am triumphant”
Say, “I got the victory.”
Your faith overcomes the world.
I want to welcome you victoriously to the month of June. We experienced continuous overflow in the month of May and now we enter into a new month and possess the gates of the month.
I prophetically declare unto you that this month of June will be your best month ever. The best thing you can do for yourself is to believe the word from the man of God. You have nothing to lose. Just believe it because I am giving you what God said for you.
The Bible says God makes us triumphant. What does it mean to triumph?
- To experience Victory: 1 John 5:4
- To win: 1 Corinthians 15:57
- To be Successful: Joshua 1:8
- To conquer: Romans 8:37
- To prevail: Isaiah 42:13
I pray that our God will cause us to prevail over ever situation. In this new month of June you will prevail over every life circumstance. Blessing and triumphant celebration are coming your way in this season in the name of Jesus!
In 1 Corinthians 15:57 we read, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
This month you will experience victory on every side.
This is your month to win in the realm of the spirit with physical manifestations.
This month you will experience success in all your endeavors.
This is our month to conquer
This is our month to prevail
God will cause you to triumph on every side.
In this month of June, you will match over obstacles.
You will walk like an overcomer and more than conqueror.
In this month of June, your faith will give you total and undeniable victory and triumphant living on every side in Jesus name!
There are seven areas that I heard in my spirit where you will experience triumphant living:
- You will triumph in your family
- There shall be triumph in your business
- You will experience triumphant living in your health
- You will triumph in all your endeavors
- You will triumph in your finances
- You will triumph in your ministry
- You will triumph in your Christian life
No one and nothing shall be able to come against you in Jesus name!
In this month of June, you will triumph:
- Over the Flesh: Galatians 5:19–21 NIV
- Over life: Luke 12:15 NIV
- Over the devil: John 10:10 NIV

Apostle Ese Duke
June 2022 will be a month that you will not forget in a hurry.
Are you ready for the month of June?
I decree prophetically by the auction of the Holy Ghost, that the month of June is our month of TRIUMPH.
We are triumphing over the devil, sickness, disease, lack, poverty, and troubles.
As a commander in the realm of the spirit, I decree and I declare that whatever thing that has made you look like a failure is turning around today! I speak to every spirit that is working contrary to the plan of God for you. I command them to seize their operation concerning your life. In the name of Jesus!

Apostle Ese Duke
You will triumph on every side. In the name of Jesus!
The grace of God on my life will rest upon you.
As things work for me, they will work for you.
As the devil is on a time out concerning my life, he shall be on a timeout concerning your life. He will have no say concerning your destiny.
Say, “This is my month, of triumph. In the name of Jesus”
Make the flowing declarations:
- I declare my eyes are fixed on Jesus
- I declare this month and beyond, sin shall have no dominion over me
- I declare God who has begun a good work in me will see it through to completion
- I declare my body is a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God as my spiritual act of worship
- This month of June I will not be stranded. I declare God will prosper me with great hope and a future
- I declare by His wounds I am healed. No sickness or disease shall come to my household.
- I declare I am blessed in the city, blessed in the country, and blessed wherever I go. In the name of Jesus.
- I declare God will meet all of my needs in this month of June according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus
- In the name of Jesus, I declare goodness and mercy will follow me throughout this month and beyond
- I declare I am redeemed from the curse of the law
- I declare I am delivered from all sin, addiction, and bondage
- I declare I am prosperous, abundantly supplied in every area of my life
- I declare the supernatural favor of God will compass me in the name of Jesus!
- I declare God is my refuge. God will cover me with His protection. He will deliver me from every evil attack. God has given His angels charge over my life. God shall satisfy me with long and prosperous life
- In this month of June there shall be no death in my family
- I declare no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
This month of June shall be full of:
- Triumph
- Victories
- Testimonies
- Success stories. In the name of Jesus!
Shout AMEN!
Welcome again to the month of Triumph,
Do you receive it?
I wish you a Happy, Blessed and TRIUMPHANT New Month June 2022