Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 3:18
(2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV).
And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts (Haggai 2:7–9, KJV).
This month of January, the Lord of hosts says the glory of God will manifest in your life.
This month of January, the splendor of God’s glory shall be visible in your life.
Get ready and position yourself. There shall be unique visitations coming your way this month of January in the name of Jesus! Expect unique visitations of His glory.
The divine glory of God is the radiance of the monarchy of God or the radiance of the King of heaven.
You cannot see God without His glory because His glory precedes His appearance and manifestation. Our God is covered with glory.
In this month of January, inside the divine glory of God you will find certain things that will manifest in your life. Are you ready for that?
In this month of January by the virtue of His glory, you will experience the manifestation of:
- God’s divine presence and goodness
- God’s divine protection and preservation
- God’s divine provision and abundance
- God’s divine promotion and lifting
- God’s divine prosperity and wellbeing
- God’s divine expansion and increase
- God’s divine pleasure for evermore
Remember glory has measurements, and divine glory is measured by weight. When we talk about God’s divine glory we are talking about the full weight of God’s glory, the heaviness, and the fullness of God which is in Christ Jesus.
God’s glory will turn everything around for your good!
In this month of January YOU WILL NOT BE STRANDED.

Apostle Ese Duke
This month of January you will experience an ever-increasing Glory of God upon your life. The Lord will fill your life, your home, and your family with greater dimension of His glory! Divine glory will cover you like never before. The glory of God will go ahead of you in this new month.
The weight of God’s glory and His heaviness shall step into your matter and situation right from the beginning of this year.
God’s glory will turn everything around for your good!
In this month of January YOU WILL NOT BE STRANDED.
As a church, as a people, and as a ministry, God’s divine glory will set us apart. The King of glory will manifest in all of our services and our meetings.
Gates will be open unto you supernaturally!
Everlasting doors will be lifted by His divine power!
His divine glory will usher into your home and your family:
- Peace that passes all human understanding
- Joy unspeakable, and
- Rest that is complete and total
I see God’s glory accompanying you for the rest of this month!
I see the glory of God and the presence of God shielding you from the heat (which represents trouble) of the day and warming you from the cold (which represents cold, evil schemes) of the night. I see God granting you uncommon rest from the schemes of the enemy.

Apostle Ese Duke
I want to welcome you to this special month of January. In this month, the Glory of God will cause you to be distinguished from other people. Yes, you will stand out.
You will manifest peculiarity in Jesus name. Like Daniel you will stand out. Like Joseph you will stand out. Like Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego you will stand out!
All that you lay your hands upon to do shall stand out because of the ever-increasing glory of God upon your life. I decree that you walk in this unique visitation in Jesus Name!
Just as God’s glory shielded Moses, His presence went before Him as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; I see God’s glory accompanying you for the rest of this month!
I see the glory of God and the presence of God shielding you from the heat (which represents trouble) of the day and warming you from the cold (which represents cold, evil schemes) of the night. I see God granting you uncommon rest from the schemes of the enemy.
Beginning from this moment, when people see you, they will see an ever-increasing radiance. Are you ready for that? Do you receive that?

Apostle Ese Duke
This month of January expect:
• Divine protection
• Divine expansion
• Divine relief
I decree, this month of January shall be… Are you ready for it?
This month of January shall be our month of EVER-INCREASING GLORY!
Welcome to our month of Ever-increasing glory in weight and manifestations of divine presence in Jesus name!
There is a glory of the moon; there a glory of the stars; there is a glory of animals; but the glory of God will ever-increase in your life in the month of January!
The radiance of His presence will be so evident in your life.
Beginning from this moment, when people see you, they will see an ever-increasing radiance. Are you ready for that? Do you receive that?
Let’s say this together: This month of January, is my month of EVER-INCREASING GLORY!
Shout Hallelujah!
Expect divine protection and get ready for a year of Expansion as the glory of God surrounds us this month in Jesus name, Amen.
God bless you!
Happy New Month and Happy New Year 2022!