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Welcome to the month of October.

I am always grateful to the Lord that we entered into a new month. As I often say, think of each month as a city, and just like any city, it has a gate. Whoever controls the gate has authority over the entire city.

If you do not have access to the key, you will not be able to enter in through the gate. All the doors might be open inside the city, and you will not be able to get in.

You are about to receive a word that will equip you to seize control of the gate of October. With this divine alignment, you will be empowered to take charge of this month.

Open doors are wonderful but if the access to the gate is locked, those doors remain unreachable. A person may dwell in a land overflowing with blessings, but without the key to enter, they cannot enjoy those blessings.

We are blessed in the Lord.

Doors are opened for us.

October like every other month is filled with divine treasures, and when you receive the key that unlocks the month, everything within it becomes accessible to you. When you possess the key to the gate of October, you have control over the month.

We take control by positioning and aligning ourselves to receive what God has spoken. That means you have to align yourself to the prophetic word for this season so you can gain access to the blessings and to the favor that has been released over this month for you.

Last month we experienced the goodness of God. Testimonies are pouring in for all the wonderful things that God has brought to pass in our lives. Now, as we step into this special anniversary month of October, we are confident that it shall be greater than last month.

You will never have a better yesterday anymore in your life because your tomorrow shall be greater and better than your yesterday. No more shall there be good old days because today shall be better than yesterday and tomorrow shall be even better than today.


Apostle Ese Duke

Do you believe that?

Jesus went to all the towns and villages. He taught in the synagogues and spread the Good News of the kingdom. He also cured every disease and sickness (Matthew 9:35, GW).

Jesus not only declared the good news of the Kingdom but also demonstrated it through healing and miracles.

This month of October, there shall be unprecedented healings and miracle in your family. There shall be miracles, signs, and wonders in your home, in your health, in your finances, in your relationship, in your family.


Apostle Ese Duke

The 10th month holds a special meaning in the Bible. The number ten (10) signifies order, completeness, and perfection.

Whatever God has begun in your life will be brought to full completion.

I decree that any area of your life that has experience chaos and confusion, it will receive order, alignment, and restoration in the name of Jesus

If you have been weighed down by bad news or by sicknesses in your relationships, issues in your life, I have a good news for you. Your circumstance is about to take a dramatic turn in October, in the name of Jesus.

This month, expect to witness a transformation from:

  • Lack to abundance
  • Sorrow to joy
  • Anxiety to peace
  • Illness to healing
  • Struggles to breakthroughs.

All these words spoken by faith will become a reality with ease in your life.

Shout “ease.”

I decree the days of struggles are over. The anointing at work in my life will find expression in your life. In the name of Jesus. It shall be a season of ease.


Apostle Ese Duke

Let me tell you something, when your life begins to go easy, people don’t understand. They begin to call you names, they begin to say there is something. “How come this person’s life is always upward and forward?”. They don’t understand that they have grace, and when grace is working for you, there is nothing the devil can do about it.

Shout “I’m going higher.”

The days of struggles are over.

The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains became visible. (Genesis 8:5, NIV)

This month:

  • Whatever has been hidden in your life shall become clear.
  • You will move from being overlooked to being recognized.
  • You will move from obscurity to prominence.
  • You shall become visible in your community, in your household, and in your family.

Shout amen if you believe it.

We have one more scripture for the theme of this month.

 “Thus says the LORD of hosts:
‘The fast of the fourth month, The fast of the fifth, The fast of the seventh, And the fast of the tenth, Shall be joy and gladness and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah. Therefore love, truth and peace.’ (Zechariah 8:19, NKJV)

I decree one more time this month of October, you will experience an overflow of joy, overflow of peace, and overflow of love like never before.


Apostle Ese Duke

In this month of October, anticipate:

  • Uncommon kindness
  • Extraordinary favor
  • Unprecedented acceptance
  • New doors and opportunities

Everything shall begin to come together.

Are you ready?

This month, you will hear good news in every area of your life:

  • Good news of healing
  • Good news of provision
  • Good news of joy
  • Good news of promotion
  • Good news of new opportunities
  • Good news of favor

Prepare yourself for God to move powerfully in your life this October.

I welcome you to the month of October, 2024. A month where prophetic promises will manifest in your life for all to witness.

Are you ready for the word of the month?

So, I decree by the anointing of the Holy Ghost that this month of October shall be unto us, our month of ONLY GOOD NEWS!

Declare with me, “only good news.”

As you declare this over your life, any bad news that was intended for you is already turned into good news. The power of the Word of God has gone before you. Only good news in your life, in Jesus’ name.

As we proclaim and align ourselves with the prophetic utterance, you would notice by divine orchestration that what was intended for evil turns around. You may not know how, but it is working in your favor.

Do you believe that?

I declare that this month will bring only good news, and every plan of evil has already been reversed.


Apostle Ese Duke

Now declare it again with faith: “This is my month of only good news!”

Welcome to your month of Only Good News.