Welcome to the month of December!
It shall be a December to remember.
We have come to understand that every month is a city, every city has a gate, every gate has a key, and anyone that has the key to the city possesses the city and experiences great exploits.
I am about to give you the key that will make you experience the best that God has in store for you in December 2023. It is a prophetic positioning for December 2023.
As you align your life, your thoughts, you will, your desire, and your emotions, with the words you are about to receive, you will experience all that God has in store for you.
We have entered another month and God has promised to bless us. He has promised to do amazing and wonderful things in our lives.
It has been an amazing year and we have now come to the last month of this year.
No matter what happened to you or with you since the beginning of the year, the Lord said to tell you that the end of a thing is better than the beginning.
In Ecclesiastes 7:8, the Bible says,
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. (Ecclesiastes 7:8, ASV)
So, the end of this year shall be better than January all the way to November.
As we have come to the last month, I hear in my spirit, that He saved the best for last. So, you are about to experience your best for the month of December.
For those who have had an awesome year during the previous months, get ready because you are about to experience the best.
For those who say that they have not experienced that much good, the Lord says to tell you that your latter days shall be better than your former. That means that your experience in this new month of December 2023 will make you forget all the ordeals in the previous months in a hurry.
As you position your sail, what you are about to experience in this month of December will carry you into 2024.

Apostle Ese Duke
If you believe shout a loud, “Amen!”
In 1 Corinthians 2:9, the Bible says,
But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him’ – these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:9, NRSV)
So, get ready for your best in this month of December 2023 because God was saving the best for last!
You think you had a wonderful year? The best is about to happen. God is about to catapult you to the place that you only imagined and He will do beyond what you can ever imagine or think.
In Psalm 100 we read,
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100, NIV)
It is time to shout for joy, because the time for the Lord to favor you has come.
Maybe you think the Lord has not done enough for you in January, in March, or in August, now you have come to December. The time for the Lord to favor Zion has come.
If you believe should Hallelujah!
We see this in Psalm 102:13:
You will arise and have compassion on Zion,
for it is time to show favor to her;
the appointed time has come. (Psalm 102:13, NIV)
Are you Zion?
Zion refers to God’s people.
The time to favor you has come.
Did you know God is also about to turn your mourning in joyful dancing? He tells us this in Psalm 30:11

Apostle Ese Duke
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, (Psalm 30:11, NLT)
Wow! God is putting on you the garment of joy!
Every sadness is disappearing. Whatever makes your heart to be un-glad is about to be eliminated.
Philippians 4:4 tells us:
Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let your joy overflow! (Philippians 4:4, TPT)
So, we are going to set our sail for a season in this month of December and God says this season will help us enter the new year and it will continue into 2024:
- A season of great joy!
- A season of gladness and happiness
- A season of excitement for what the Lord has done
- A season of fulfillment
God is about to do something unusual in your life.
As you set your sail, make sure you have the mindset of celebration, because happiness, joy, and gladness shall be your reality and experience.

Apostle Ese Duke
So, in this month of December, do not allow anything to steal your joy. Do not allow anybody to steal your gladness, because there will be things that may happen around you that will try to steal the very thing that God says you should set your sail with.
Do not allow anyone to steal your joy. Do not allow anything to steal your peace, or your gladness.
I like what Job said in Job 8:21:
He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. (Job 8:21, NLT)
If you have not laughed in a long time you are about to laugh again. He that laughs last laughs best. You are about to laugh in the month of December. It shall be a December that you will not forget in a hurry.
There is so much to talk about what the Lord is preparing to do but what I hear in my spirit so strongly is that this month of December you have to put your mind and focus on the joy of the Lord, on the goodness of God, on the gladness in your heart, and on your happiness. You just have to focus your mind on those things because that is what is going to make things begin to become a reality in your life.
Focus on the joy, on the peace, on the gladness, and on the happiness because this is your season where greater things are about to happen in your life.
You will end this year with celebration, Joy, peace, gladness, and happiness:
- We shall be filled with laughter
- We shall be filled with joy
- We shall be filled with reasons to celebrate
- We shah be filled with reason to rejoice
The God of heaven is our God.
Are you ready to hear the word of the Lord for the month of December?
The Lord spoke to me very clearly and I know that God is always faithful to His Word. If you can set your sail along with what I am about to release, you will see how December will be your best month ever.
So, the Lord said to tell you that this month of December shall be our month of HAPPINESS, JOY, AND GLADNESS!
Yes, December 2023 is our month of Happiness, Joy, and Gladness!
Shout Halleluiah!
December 2023 is:
- Your month of Happiness
- Your month of Joy
- Your month of Gladness
Set your sail this month. Don’t allow anyone to give you a prophetic word that will trouble your soul. Tell them, “Take it back! It is my month of gladness and joy. My month to be happy.”
Do you understand?

Apostle Ese Duke
What you receive becomes your reality. Anything short of happiness, or joy, don’t take it. If it is going to happen, for this month to be your best month ever, you have to follow what the Lord has said: Happiness, Joy, Gladness.
You may say, “But I have no reason to be happy.”
Make some reasons to be happy. Get joyful right now.
If you have nothing to be glad about, decide you are going to be glad. Yes, make up your mind to be glad in this month of December.
Make up your mind to celebrate the goodness of God in December.
If you have the Holy Ghost shout Amen!
These are the qualities of the Holy Spirit. If He lives in you, there is no reason to be sad. Because sadness is not the quality of the Holy Ghost.
The secret is to set your sail in accordance to the Word of God. If doesn’t matter what is happening around you.
Happiness has to do with external circumstances. So, good things are about to happen around you. What will happen around you in this month of December will make you happy.
Joy has to do with the inward. So, the inside of your spirit is about to bubble.
Gladness has to do with both happiness and joy combined. Both joy and happiness bring about gladness.
Get ready!