Welcome to the month of August!
Every month the Lord puts a word in my spirit that positions us for the rest of that month. It is our prophetic positioning. It is a charge. It is a direction.
We have come to understand that every month is a city, and every city has a gate. Whoever possess the key to the gate possess the city. The word you receive is like a key to the gate of that city. Once you get hold of that word, your month, your season, and your day go along with that prophetic word that has been released over your life.
So, I decree as you believe whatever is going to be released, it will come to pass in your life.
As you believe the word, it releases virtue necessary for the performance of that word in your life.
Welcome again to the month of August.
As you know, August is the 8th month of the year and number eight in the Bible represents new beginnings. I believe some of you are ready to start something new.
God is prepared to do a new thing in your life. That new beginning that you have been hoping for is about to become a reality. That new thing that you have been looking for, that new relationship, that new business, that new zeal for God is about to become a reality.

Apostle Ese Duke
In Isaiah 43:19, the Bible says:
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19, NKJV)
This means that:
- You will go where nobody has travelled
- God said He will make it easy for you where others think it is impossible,
- You will succeed where others have failed
- When others are saying there is a casting down, you will say, “there is a lifting up” because something new is about to come into your life
God is a way maker, He makes a way where there seems to be no way and He said, “it shall spring forth.” Thank God that He is the way.
Every wilderness experience in your life is hereby terminated. The old is being made new.
Whatever represents stagnation in your life is being brought alive and will receive the water of God by the Spirit of God to come alive and experience growth and increase in the name of Jesus.
No more stagnation!
Why do we say that? Let us look at Job 14:7–9
“For there is hope for a tree,
if it be cut down, that it will sprout again,
and that its shoots will not cease.
Though its root grow old in the earth,
and its stump die in the soil,
yet at the scent of water it will bud
and put out branches like a young plant. (Job 14:7–9, ESV)
This scripture says, it does not matter if you were cut down or things were not working in your life. In this month of August, you will spring forth again.
Whoever thought that your downfall has come was mistaken, because things are changing. Your story is changing in the name of Jesus.
It may seem as though there is no life, but I declare that life is coming to you.
I said, “life is coming to you. In the name of Jesus!”
With the scent and sound of this prophetic word, there will be life again. Things will be refreshed, revived, and renewed in the name of Jesus.
Say, “this is my month”
You are about to come alive and whatever that has been struggling will bud again as it receives the water of the Word of God.

Apostle Ese Duke
I decree there shall be a refreshing in the name of Jesus
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers. (Psalm 1:1–3, ESV)
In this month of August, you will be like a tree planted by the water. You will yield fruit, you will remain ever green, and you will prosper in all that you do.

Apostle Ese Duke
I said, “you will remain ever green.”
Say, “Ever green.”
This means that when things are dying you will remain alive.
In this month of August, it does not matter what happened last month, I see something happening in your favor.
I hear God will prosper the works of your hand.
Let’s look at the theme scripture for the Month of August:
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing” (Psalm 92:12–14)
God desires for you to flourish and be successful. He says those that are righteous will flourish like a palm tree. As we read further, the scripture says, “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age.” I am not sure how many of you are old but when I was fifteen, I thought twenty-five was old. When I was twenty-five, I thought fourth was old. When I turned fourth, I thought seventy was old. Those who are seventy say, ninety is old. Those who are ninety say one hundred is old. Those who are one hundred say one hundred and twenty is old. Age now becomes relative depending on the situation. That means, no matter where you are, the Bible says, even in your old age you will still be evergreen.
In this month of August, God is setting up something for you that will put you in a place of perpetual greenness.
As I wanted upon the Lord for the word of this month, I begun to hear the word, “flourish.” This word has been stuck in my spirit for at least three weeks.
I kept hearing the word, “flourish,” and the Lord said we are entering in a season that those that dare believe the word of the prophet shall begin to experience the manifestation of that word.
You are about to experience a life of flourishing because words are able to propel you to where God had already destined you to be. It doesn’t matter the dryness in your life, God said I should tell you that in this month of August, your lot will begin to fall in pleasant places.
I said your life will begin to fall in pleasant places.
To flourish is to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.
Biblically to flourish means ‘to break forth. ‘Synonyms of flourish include thriving, successful, doing well, blooming.
You are about to break forth, you are about bloom, you are about to experience increase and be a success in this month of August in the name of Jesus.
Even though flourish appears severally in the Old Testament it appears only once in New Testament in Philippians 4:10 meaning, “to put forth anew.”
This month your life will flourish anew in Jesus’ name.
Note the two conditions for flourishing:
You have to be righteous and be planted in the house of the Lord.
This month, our feet will be planted in the house of the Lord and, as our feet are planted in His house, we will be refreshed and shall flourish in Jesus’ name.
Our spouse, children, families, jobs, businesses, daughters of destiny will flourish in the name of Jesus.
Everywhere you turn this month, there shall be flourishing.
In this month of August:
- You shall flourish financially
- You shall flourish materially
- You shall flourish physically
- You shall flourish in health
- You shall flourish in your relationship
- You shall flourish academically and most importantly
- You shall flourish spiritually
- You shall flourish in every area of your life.
Say, “this is my month.”
I want to welcome you to this month of August. Are you ready for it?
For you, for me, and for all those who believe the prophetic mandate of this ministry, the month of August is our month of Flourishing!
It is with delight and great joy that I welcome you to this month of August our month of Flourishing!
The devil may not like it, your neighbors may not like it, your sister may not like it, but it does not matter because you will flourish.

Apostle Ese Duke
In this month of flourishing, everything you touch will begin to prosper. Your business will begin to prosper, everything in your life will begin to prosper.
Are you ready to flourish? You better be ready because this is your season to flourish. Everything around you will begin to flourish. It does not matter who does not like it, you have entered a new beginning.
Maybe you have never experienced this kind of life but I am here to tell you that you have just entered a place where it is normal for this kind of life to happen.
This is your month of flourishing. Let it be in your consciousness, that you are supposed to flourish.
Say, “I am flourishing left and right, in the name of Jesus!”
God bless you!