Welcome to 2023! Our year of open heavens.
I want you to declare with me, “heavens are open for me”
Say with me, “I have direct access to the heavenlies. Nothing, shall be difficult for me from now on. Heaven is open. I carry open heaven everywhere I go in the name of Jesus.

Apostle Ese Duke
It is important you understand what you just said. That, “you carry open heaven everywhere you go.” That, “things are easy wherever you find yourself.” If you are in a job and they are stressing you out, you don’t have to quit, you change it because what you carry is enough to clear things up. Don’t be running from place to place because somebody does not like you. Just remain strong and begin to activate the realm of the heavenlies that has been open unto you and you will begin to experience divinity in your humanity.
You see, every day has a gate. Every week has a gate. Every month, has a gate. Whoever has the key to the gate controls who enters or what happens inside. Every new month is a city, and that city has a lock. When you have the key to that lock, you control all the rooms in that city.
I am about to give you prophetic positioning for the month of January.
If you have the keys to all the doors in a house and you have no key to the main gate, you can’t go in.
This year is our year of open heavens and I thank God you want open doors however, if you don’t have the key to open the gate you cannot get in. Of what use is the bunch of keys in your hand if you can’t even enter into the property?
What you are about to receive will give you the key that will open the gate to the month of January. So, as you enter into the month you will already have the key and know how to navigate inside. Having the key will give you access, and with access you will have inside knowledge of what is available to you in the month of January. The key is what is about to be released unto you today.
The moment you understand the dimensions in the realm of the spirit, you are unstoppable. In that realm it is not about your stature, it is about your statute. It is nice to be spiritual however, it is not about how super spiritual you are. It is about how you know the workings of the realm of the sprit. Like Samson, you may have the stature but not the statute. You can be so spiritual like Samson and still lose your power if you do not know you should not be telling Delilah the secret to your power. So, it is important to know the how of making things work. That is what this monthly prophetic positioning does as we release the word to you.
If you don’t know how things work and you only have the power, the power on its own can do you no good. So, it is nice to have a strong spiritual stature but that on its own cannot take you that far if you don’t know the methodology of things of the spirit.
So, every month has a gate, whoever has the keys to that gate controls the city. Every day you have a key, use it. If you don’t pray in the morning and set the sail for the day, your day just goes anyhow. But if you know how to wake up early and start making declarations, you set things in order in such a way that whatever was intended to happen you prepare for it and rearrange things to your advantage.
You should not go through life haphazardly, walk with precision so everything you do becomes so intentional. Learn to live life intentionally, not by accident. When you live life intentionally, people think you are from heaven, and I am glad we are from heaven. Living life as it comes is just too much frustration. You are about to receive the key to the knowledge of how to operate this month and as you set your sail in line with that direction, you will begin to experience what God has for you in this month and in this year of open heavens.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11, KJV).
The Bible says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield.”
What does that mean?
As a sun He will guide you” He will direct His people from darkness to light. He is a sun, He gives direction, guidance from darkness to light. He is a shield against the enemy of His children. He will protect and keep His children safe.
The Bible goes on to say, “The Lord will give grace and glory.”
Say, “grace and glory!”
The Bible proceeds to say, “No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
See, by divine prophetic positioning and the release of the word of this month, you shall experience victory on every side.
As the scripture said, “The Lord will give grace and glory,” I decree, everywhere you turn there shall be the experience of grace resulting in the glory of God manifesting in your life.

Apostle Ese Duke
Say, “Grace,” then say, “Glory.”
This month there will be at least seven manifestations of grace and glory. We are going to excel in this month of January by His grace.
Say, “Grace.”
It is not by hard labor. Ask your grandfather, he worked so hard. Ask your father, he worked, and worked, and worked but nothing to show. Work is good, but it takes more than work.
Shout, “Grace!”
7 manifestations of Grace & Glory
- You will excel by His grace
- You will receive direction by His Grace. You will know what to do
- You will overcome by His grace
- You will walk in divine health by His Grace
- You will experience promotion by His Grace
- You will experience divine protection by His Grace
- You will SHINE and experience the GLORY of God by His GRACE!
Shout, “His grace!”
By His grace He will not withhold glory from you
You see you have stepped into a season to enjoy grace.
It is your season and time to shine.
This season you have stepped in is going to be grace and glory all around.
So, as you have entered this gate to the city of January, please know in the back of your mind that it is grace that will make it happen. It is not by effort, not by how much good you are, but how gracious God is.

Apostle Ese Duke
So, I declare therefore, the month of January shall be unto us, our month of EXCEEDING GRACE AND GLORY!
Shout GRACE and Glory!
That’s right. January is our month of exceeding grace and glory. When you believe that grace will work it for you, it will work it for you. When you believe it will be by hard work, keep on working. I choose to let grace speak for me. Yes, I decided to allow the grace of God to do it. It is not by might, it is not by power, it is by the spirit of grace!