Welcome to the month of June!
We are already in the 6th month of 2023!
God kept you well and safe from January through May. What the enemy planned against you all these months was brought to naught. The same God that kept you throughout those months is the same God that will keep you for the rest of the year. For He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. What He did yesterday He will do it again.
Every month is a city, and every city has a gate. Anyone that holds the key to the gate has access to the city. If you get into the city, you will be able to experience all the goodies in the city but if you do not have access into the city, you will be outside the city and never experience all that God has in store for you.
So, the month of June is a town and you are about to receive the key to access everything in that town. You are about to receive the key of access.

Apostle Ese Duke
Shout access!
We seek the face of the Lord to tell us what is in the city and once we know what is in the city, we walk in the city with so much confidence because we know what it takes to excel in that city.
God is about to do something very amazing in your life in this month of June. Usually this is our month of prayer and fasting, and God has a lot in His agenda for us as a church and also as individuals.
For us to experience what God has in store for us, there has to be alignment on our part. Alignment to His will, His purpose, and understanding of the times and seasons.
The Bible talks about the sons of Issachar, they understood the times and the seasons. When you know what kind of season you are in, you know how to prepare for it.
If you know you are about to enter the winter season, you bring out the winter coats. If you are about to enter the summer season, you take away the winter coats and bring out the summer outfits.
You are about to enter into a season. This month of June is a month like no other month because it is a month we will be waiting upon the Lord. A month of prayer and fasting and there is prophetic positioning that will guide you accordingly as to what to expect.
I believe from what God has shown, we have entered into a month where there will be a lot of angelic activities and even beyond. There will be orchestrations of events that will propel you closer to your place of destiny.
You are going to be aware and sensitive to the workings of the Holy Spirit, angelic activities, and assistance. I just believe that God is about to reveal something to you.

Apostle Ese Duke
In this month of June, you will have encounters with God that are beyond your imaginations.
As you strategically position yourself to receive all that God has in store for you in this month of June, God will reveal Himself to you in an unusual manner.
If you agree shout Amen!
Let us look at the theme scriptures for this month of June. Psalms 37:23 says,
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. (Psalms 37:23, NLT)
Can you imagine the God of heaven delights in every aspect of your life? Every detail? He cares about everything that concerns you.
In this month of June, you will have faith with confident expectations and the Lord will direct your steps.
Say, “Lord, direct my steps.”
As you fast and pray in this month of June, you will experience a lot of His leadings. A lot of His doings.
In Zecharia 4:6 the Bible tells us,
“This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. (Zechariah 4:6, NLT)
We know that we have to believe the Word of God and what He says. We know that God is a spirit and whatever He says originates in the realm of the spirit. You too are a spirit and you contact God with your spirit because spirits contact spirits. God is about to do some amazing things in your life as you understand what He has in store for you in the month of June.
There are three notable experiences that will occur in the month of June. Are you ready to receive them?
- Encounters with God
In the month of June, you will have encounters with God. You will encounter God in a manner that you have never encountered Him before.
It is one thing for me to talk to you about God, it is something else for you to encounter the God that I talk about. Because once you encounter God, nobody can talk you out of what you know. If they tell you He is not real you know He is real because He showed Himself to you. He came through for you, it doesn’t matter what anybody says, you had an encounter with God. In this month of June I believe there will be numerous encounters with the God of heaven.
- Encounters with Destiny Helpers
The second thing you will experience in this month of June is encounters with destiny helpers. Whatever has kept your destiny helpers them from helping you, God will push them.
Say, “I believe.”
Yes, I said, “God will push them.”
- They may not like you but they will do it
- They may not like the way you look but they will give you the contact
- They may not like the way you talk but they will support your agenda
You may have been waiting for that man or woman who has been assigned by God to help you. This month of June, I decree they are released in the name of Jesus.

Apostle Ese Duke
You will encounter destiny helpers.
Shout, “Destiny helpers.”
God will not come to do it; he will use men and women.
That money you need to buy that new house, it is not in heaven. It is right here and someone is holding it.
The car you are supposed to drive is in somebody’s parking lot or in a dealership right now. I decree it is released to you right now in the name of Jesus.
As you believe so it shall be.
Whatever belongs to you that has been held back by that destiny helper is hereby released.
3. Encounter Circumstances and Events Orchestrated by Divinity
The third experience you are going to have this month of June is, you will encounter circumstances that are set up by God. You will encounter events orchestrated by divinity. You have got to believe it. You got to expect it.
You may encounter some delays that are meant to propel you to your place of assignment. Some people will reject you in this month of June. That is meant to make you wake up and know that God has something bigger for you.
As I prophesy in this month of June, there are some things that will take place that may look bad, bad God is orchestrating events that will make you achieve what He has always had in mind for you.
That means in this month of June:
- Do not take for granted whatever is happening to you
- Do not take for granted those that you will encounter
- Do not take for granted the idea of praying and fasting because God is about do something.
“I tell you the truth, you will all see heaven open and the angels of God going up and down on the Son of Man, the one who is the stairway between heaven and earth. (John 1:51, NLT)
Are you looking for open heaven?
I decree your heaven is open:
- The heavens over your destiny are open
- The heavens over your life are open
- The heavens over your finances are open
- The heavens over your loved ones are open
There shall be angelic activities. Even right now the angels are at work. Something is happening right now so get ready.

Apostle Ese Duke
Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. (Luke 1:26–30, NKJV)
In this month of June:
- You will experience unusual and unique encounters with God
- You shall be called a new name
- You shall be blessed among your peers
- The unchangeable changer shall change your story to glory
- You shall experience favor before the almighty God and before men in the name of Jesus
This month of June, with all the encounters and divine orchestrations there will be:
- Supernatural manifestations
- Supernatural miracles
- Supernatural provisions
- Supernatural shift
- Supernatural encounters with His presence
- Supernatural encounters with His power
- Supernatural encounters with His Word
So, what exactly are we to expect in this month of June?
I declare to you, that this month of June shall be our month of DIVINE APPOINTMENTS!
Come on let us celebrate God!
Shout, “Divine Appointments!”
The appointments have already been set up by the Holy Spirit:
- Encounter with God
- Encounters with your destiny helpers and
- Encounters with circumstances that will propel you to your place of destiny
Are you ready for divine appointments?
I am ready!